City View Apartments, a modern three-story complex with gray and red brick exteriors, boasts large windows and a spacious parking area with several cars, all enclosed by a sleek black metal fence. Proudly featuring LEED® Gold Certification, it embodies sustainable urban living. | DC Apartments by WC Smith

City View Apartments Awarded LEED® Gold Certification

City View, a WC Smith residential project in Ward 8, has been certified as LEED® Gold by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), joining a small list of affordable housing properties in Washington to reach that level of recognition for their commitment to sustainable building practices.

Of City View’s 58-units, 90% are affordable, including units for permanent supported housing in partnership with the District’s Department of Behavioral Health, annual contributions contracts units, units for residents earning 50% or less of annual median income and units for residents earning 60% or less of annual median income (AMI).

The fully leased property opened in December 2019.

City View has an Energy Star roof, Energy Star windows, and energy efficient individual HVAC and hot water heaters. Kitchens feature stainless steel Energy Star appliances, including dishwashers and microwaves.

Certification is proof that buildings are going above and beyond to ensure the space is constructed and operated to the highest level of sustainability. More than 49,000 commercial and institutional projects are currently participating in LEED, in all 50 states and more than 170 countries and territories, covering more than 2 million residential units.

City View embodies two cornerstone commitments for WC Smith – our commitment to high quality affordable housing and our commitment to sustainable development. Green buildings allow us to live and work more sustainably in ways you can experience – in your health, the air you breathe, the water you drink.

With the addition of City View, WC Smith now has four affordable, LEED-certified properties in its portfolio: Sheridan Station (Platinum), Archer Park (Gold) and 2M (Gold).