A group of people standing in front of a building labeled "Terrace Manor" participate in a ribbon-cutting ceremony, with the ribbon being cut by a woman in the center. WC Smith representatives are also present to commemorate the event. | DC Apartments by WC Smith

WC Smith Celebrates Ribbon Cutting for Terrace Manor

More than 100 people turned out to celebrate the Sept. 12 ribbon cutting for Terrace Manor, WC Smith’s new all-affordable multifamily residence.

WC Smith acquired Terrace Manor in 2017, in cooperation with the Tenants Association. The DC Office of the Attorney General had sued its former owner, Sanford Capital, in 2016 over a long-running pattern of neglect, dangerous living conditions, and extensive housing code violations.

Speaking on behalf of OAG, attorney Argie Weatherington said “every successful case starts with a great story. And the story of Terrace Manor is about truly amazing people.”

When the building was put up for sale, OAG worked with the tenants’ representatives to find a buyer that would preserve affordable housing at the site. The tenants eventually approached WC Smith to buy the 61-unit complex.

Monica Jackson, the tenant association president and one of the residents who remained when the property was vacated, became emotional when she recounted her experience living at the old property. “Conditions got worse. Crime was rampant. Terrace Manor was no longer a safe place to live, and most people moved out.”

But seeing the new Terrace Manor for the first time, she “was shocked – in a great way. Magic had happened!”

Terrace Manor comprises 130 units, with rents based on 30%, 50% and 60% MFI. The building features modern systems and amenity spaces, including a gym, business center, community room, community gardens and a 24-hour front desk.

Terrace Manor was the property that enabled DC Mayor Muriel Bowser to beat her goal of producing 36,000 new housing units in the city.