Terrace Manor Puts City Over New Housing Production Goal

Terrace Manor, WC Smith’s new all-affordable multifamily residence, is the property that enabled DC Mayor Muriel Bowser to beat her goal of producing 36,000 new housing units in the city.

Terrace Manor comprises 130 units, with rents based on 30%, 50% and 60% MFI. The building features modern systems and amenity spaces, including a gym, business center, community room, community gardens and a 24-hour front desk.

Terrace Manor has solar panels, a green roof, and is designed to be LEED Gold.

Leasing has begun, and the first move-ins are scheduled for late August.

WC Smith acquired Terrace Manor in 2017, in cooperation with the Tenants Association. The DC Office of the Attorney General had sued its former owner, Sanford Capital, in 2016 over a long-running pattern of neglect, dangerous living conditions, and extensive housing code violations. When the building was put up for sale, OAG worked closely with the tenants’ representatives to find a buyer that would preserve affordable housing at the site. The tenants eventually approached WC Smith to buy the 61-unit complex.

The old, 12-building complex was razed in June 2022.

WC Smith relocated the 13 families who lived at Terrace Manor at the time of the settlement to apartments in our properties.

Sarra Mohamed, vice president of development and the Terrace Manor project executive, spoke at a celebration Bowser held to mark the occasion. She noted that when we acquired the property, one of the families was living in a hotel because the building was in such bad shape.

Mohamed presented the mayor with an engraved brick from one of the original buildings that had been torn down.